SIRU is excited to announce that all clubs are allowed to resume training as of Monday 1st June.
SIRU has been working with a wide-range of Local Councils and other Grounds Managers to make sure all of our Clubs are allowed to resume training before making this announcement. Clubs will be training under the “ACT & SNSW Return to Play Framework”, this document refers to guidelines set by Sport Australia, Rugby Australia and ACT & SNSW Rugby Union (also known as Brumbies Rugby). In accordance with NSW Government direction, clubs will be able to train in groups of 10, with up to 6 groups per field. Training may consist of basic fitness, ball skills (passing or kicking), and use of certain equipment. There is to be no contact training during this period. Each club will approach their training differently, as the measures put in place by the Framework are quite detailed and comprehensive in terms of cleaning procedures before, during, and after each session. We continue to work with and communicate to Clubs any updates we have in terms of a season and how it may look. SIRU would like to thank the clubs for their efforts over this period of uncertainty, and we look forward to making progress with them as we continue to aim for both our Senior and Juniors competitions to get started in 2020.
RugbyAU have provided a statement outlining the status of insurance for registered members that have been affected by COVID-19.
Statement has been provided below, you can also see further details about insurance for all registered members on the RugbyAU and Aon Insurance website, click here to access. "COVID-19 Impact on Rugby National Risk Management and Insurance Programme Players and Officials A player or official (coach, club official, match official) is not able to utilise the coverage included within the Personal Injury Policy if they contract COVID-19 whilst carrying out their role or participating within Rugby. COVID-19 is not treated or viewed by the insurer to be a sudden or unforeseen specific event and the Personal Injury cover afforded by this policy is not intended to cover events that are caused directly or indirectly by or attributed to any sickness or illness. Clubs and Associations Club and Association officials are covered under the Public and Product Liability Insurance Policy (as per the terms and conditions of the policy) in the event a player, third party or official launches legal proceedings alleging negligence from a Club and/or Association official which has resulted in the player, third party or official contracting COVID-19 and incurring loss, damages and/or costs due to the alleged negligence. To date the program insurer for the Public and Product Liability Insurance Policy has not placed restrictions on coverage for COVID-19." Brumbies Rugby has confirmed today that due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19, the Brumbies Provincial Program for 2020 will be cancelled.
On the 16th of March Rugby Australia postponed all Club and Community based rugby activities until the 1st of May. A further statement from Rugby Australia on April 3 extended the postponement period until at least the 1st of June. However, given the ongoing impact of the global pandemic and continued restrictions in line with government guidelines, the 2020 Brumbies Provincial Program that was scheduled to commence in June will be cancelled as the Community Rugby team continue their plans to conduct meaningful club competitions within the ACT & SNSW region as soon as it can be safely done so. The Brumbies Provincial Program provides opportunities for local players from the South Coast, Monaro and Southern Inland regions to commence their representative journey and encompasses the annual clashes between the respective representative teams of the Brumbies Rugby country regions and culminates in the recently introduced ‘Capital Cup’ tournament when the Brumbies Provincial Team competes against the ACT Griffins (John I Dent Cup non-contracted 1st grade players) and the Brumbies U19 representative team. Craig Leseberg, Brumbies Rugby Deputy CEO & General Manager of Community Rugby, stated: “Whilst naturally there will be disappointment that we have had to make the decision to cancel the Brumbies Provincial Program for 2020, this decision has been made following continued assessment of the current COVID-19 situation, financial considerations and shifting priorities. The decision has been timed to ensure there is some certainty amongst key stakeholders including our three regional zones and their participating teams’. “Our focus will be to continue our modelling and planning to ensure that once the situation allows we are in a position as a Union to administer meaningful competitions for all our clubs and teams to participate in for the balance of 2020. The recent National Cabinet endorsement and release of the AIS framework for the reintroduction of sport in Australia has provided a vastly more positive outlook” “We thank everyone for their understanding and look forward to returning to a rugby field at some point soon, in the meantime, we urge all our club rugby players, volunteers and supporters to remain patient and look after themselves, their families and local community through this difficult period.” |
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